TooButtons 1.3. Added German translation.
Thank you so much for the translation say Mario Siegmann [aka Siggi0904]!
New version of TooButtons. Now and under Windows!
Once able to compile Pidgin from source under Cygwin further was a matter of technique.
To understand how must work the script to build under Windows was not difficult (although the word “understand” is not quite true :)), but incidentally discovered bug in the build script package for Linux, which resulted after the first attempts to execute ./configure, make, sudo make install the system was installed package without localization, but when re-implementing ./configure, make, sudo make install in the same folder – already with localization.
I suspect that because of this error when installing the plug-in version 1.0 of the DEB-file labels on the buttons are not localized. And then to find reasons for this and I have spent the last couple of days. I do not know what I eventually changed (I changed, back rolled away, again, me … confused already), but in the end all magically working!
TooButtons could compile under Windows!
Last night, finally managed to compile Pidgin 2.6.6 under Cygwin. Unfortunately had to throw out the distribution of some protocols and a pair of seats had to edit sources…
But today, managed to get the first working version of toobuttons.dll. However, while the minimum version – without translations (English only). I decided to start studying the possibility of creating plugins for Windows with TooButtons because it is easier and it has known prototype. But then, when practice with “on the kitty”, grasp the TooBars.
Wait! And do not forget to promote the work of my brain, replenishing electronic purses (listed in the right column), or at least, visiting site a> and click on any banner.
Сделал DEB-файл для установки плагина TooButtons
Ссылка на закачку:
Первый релиз нового плагина
Плагин добавляет кнопки “Отправить” и “Закрыть” в окно беседы.
Из задумок – прикрутить к этим кнопкам функционал, соизмеримый с аналогичными кнопками QIP’а. Во всяком случае в части касающейся закрытия бесед.
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